
52A Maserati Racing Car, 52B BRM Racer

Here you find all available models with the numbers:

52A Maserati 4CLT Racing Car 1958-1965,

52B BRM Racing Car 1965-1970

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Product no.: RW52A52

Red body, matt black base, black plastic wheels, crimped axles, cream driver. "52" decals 99%. Excellent early model.

65.00 *

In stock

Product no.: RW52A59

Red body, glossy black base, rare issue withwire wheels, race number "52" decals 95 +100%, white driver. Very good model, a rare wheel variation with the wire wheels.

275.00 *

In stock

Product no.: RW52A61

Yellow body, wire wheels, race number "52" decals 95 + 50%, white driver. Good condition.

29.00 *

In stock

* Prices incl. VAT, plus delivery