Lots of movie related vehicles have been produced in the "Star Car" series.
The "Character Car" series includes famous movie characters all coupled with an "Matchbox" model which that character used in "his" movies. These series were marketed in the USA only.
Product no.: SFSC03
"Star Car" Series: The 1956 Ford Pick-up from "Happy Days" in metallic red. |
19.00 €
In stock |
Product no.: SFSC05
"Elvis Favourite" 4 Cars set, only availble in the USA. Mint/boxed. |
80.00 €
In stock |
Product no.: SFSC07
"Star Car" Series: The 1933 Ford Hot Rod from "Grease" in white. |
20.00 €
In stock |
Product no.: SFSC11
"Star Car" Series: Mercedes Benz Surveillance Van from "Mission Impossible I" in black. |
20.00 €
In stock |
Product no.: SFSC15
"Star Car" Series: 1955 Chevy Convertible from "Brady Buch" in black. |
18.00 €
In stock |
Product no.: SFSC16
"Star Car" series: The 1957 Thunderbird from "Happy Days" in pink. |
16.00 €
In stock |