Originally conceived as a complement or accessory to the 1 - 75 series these two side lines to the standard MATCHBOX series have developed into separate collection areas with many collectors getting into the smaller variations just as they do with the normal range. Genuine mint / boxed models are almost always in the 3-digit range since the production volumes of those series were significantly lower then what was produced on the standard 1-75 series and many boxes got damaged in transit because of the higher weight of many of those A- & M-Series models.
The "Major Pack" series was introduced in late 1958 und lasted untill 1966 when the remaining models were converted into the "King Size" range.
At the end of the 50`s several larger models which could not be integrated into the standard 1-75 range anymore were developed, for these the new "Major Pack" series was introduced in late 1958. In the beginning the scale was similar to those used for the 1-75 series but later these "Major" models got bigger and bigger and eventually all remaining models ( except the M- 9 ) were transferred into the "King Size" range in 1966. To avoid confusion all models in this range had the prefix "M" preceding the model number.
Major- & Accessory Packs 1958-1966