
MF1 Fire Station green & white 1963

MF1 Fire Station green & white 1963

The first and today hard to find version of the MF1 with a green roof from 1963.

This rare version of the fire station with the green roof was created out of embarrassment. It was planned to release the same building as a Fire Station with a red roof and as a Ambulance Depot with an green roof, but the Ambulance Depot was never realized. In order to discard the already produced green roofs these were used on early Fire Station buildings, this version also got it's own box with the correct colour illustration showing the green roof. The cover artwork on this box completely differs from the normal "red roof" box. There are plenty of variations within these stations, especially the decals ( first a decal with a brown background, later labels with a red background) and the plastic parts (white or cream) with the cream buildings are being rarer.