The Adventure 2000 series was Lesneys response to the success of the "Sci-Fi" toys from other manufacturers. The series was given its own color ("avocado") and was often derived from Super King models. Also suitable models 1-75 were used as encores.
Product no.: K-2004A02
Avocado, black interior, clear windows, red plastic parts, "2000 & Star" labels. Model is in mint condition - never removed from box before -, mechanic works fine, complete with rockets still on sprue and the figures in the set. Model is mint, box is good, cellophane is creased but intact. Model condition: 9.8 Box condition: 8.5 |
150.00 €
In stock |
Product no.: K-2005A05
The large and hard to find "Command Force" Set in impressive Dioramabox. Contains the models K-2002 Missile Launcher and the three 1-75 series models No. 2 Hovercraft, 59 Planet Scout and 68 Cosmobile all in their rarer colours avacado with purple windows. All models are mint/near mint, set is complete with and 6 rockets still on sprue but the from the 8 figures 4 broken of their platform ( but all loose parts are still there ). Excellent+ box with damaged cellophane window ( 50 % remains ), structural intact. Hard to find this good, just need the figures replaced. Model condition: 9.5 Box condition: 8+ |
299.00 €
In stock |